I’m so fucking furious.
I did not come back to life for this bullshit!
In my past few posts, I’ve been fairly measured about my anger. Yes, I’m angry and talked at length about it, but not in an inflammatory way. I also talked about my sadness and what I’m doing to self-soothe. And, weirdly enough, a lengthy detour into The Murder of Roger Ackroyd by Agatha Christie.
Seriously. I can talk for days about Agatha Christie and my love of obsession with Poirot, even though it’s been shoved into the background for some time. I have read every Poirot novel/short story at least twice if not a dozen times. My favorite is The Big Four with Curtain (the last Poirot case) being a very close second. By the way, while I love David Suchet as Poirot (I mean, a lot. So much). He is the quintessential Poirot, and I don’t think we need another (yes, I’m looking at you, Branagh).
Side note: (Yes, really!) The only new Poirot I would want is a young Poirot, played by a Belgian, when he was in the Belgium police force. We have seen Poirot in England enough, especially as portrayed by British dudes.
I have analyzed Poirot novels, talking about what I love and don’t love about it. I have dissected all the isms I’ve seen in the novels (racism, sexism, classism, etc. Not a lot of overt homophobia, but mostly because queerness was not even acknowledged at that time. Short version) because yes, the novels/stories are in a time that is very different than ours, but that does not mean we have to overlook those issues. I can enjoy the stories AND wince at how Chinese people are portrayed, for example. This is one of my biggest issues with The Big Four. One of the big four is a Chinese man, and the descriptions of Chinese people in this novel is…not great, to say the least.
Side note 2: I really hate what they did with the cinematic version of this novel. They took it in a very weird direction, and, yes, I know the cinematic versions don’t need to adhere to the novels, but this one went way overboard. With most of the movies/episodes, they at least stick loosely to how the story was written. This one starts out that way and then devolves into something that is, as the kids say, a hot mess.
You know, it might be time for anohter read-through of the series. I have had a hard time reading in the past several years, and I think this could jumpstart my reading brain again.
Anyway. I’m into vengeance now. Deeply into vengeance. I am so fucking sick and tired of–well–everything. *gestures impotently at the world around me*