Underneath my yellow skin

Take me at my word

I realized a few decades ago that many people are not comfortable with plain speaking. I don’t mean brutal honesty because I am not into that, but I do mean speaking without euphemisms. I started saying I was fat because I am. I don’t like ‘plump’ or ‘zaftig’ or ‘fluffy’. I don’t hate them, either,… Continue Reading

New year, new me, who dis?, part two

And we’re back. Let’s talk current family situation and what I want to do about it. In the last post, I talked about the history of my family dysfunction. That was not the point of my post, but it’s what was apparently on my mind. My father has dementia. He’s had it for roughly twenty… Continue Reading

New year, new me, who dis?

We are back with another post about my goals for the new year. In my last post, I was talking about Taiji and how much it’s helped me in my life. It’s not hyperbole to say that it’s saved my life, both during the medical crisis (literally) and before it (emotionally). My family dysfunction runs… Continue Reading

My re-birthday and my mental health

I’ve been writing posts about my medical crisis, my re-birthday, and my goals for the upcoming year. I have written one goal per post (as is my wont to talk endlessly about the smallest minutiae), and we’ll see if I continue that in this post. Yesterday, I talked about learning new weapons forms in Taiji… Continue Reading

My re-birthday is a day to celebrate!

The day this is posted is my actual re-birthday. That is, the anniversary of the day of my medical crisis, September 3rd, 2021. Here is yesterday’s post leading up to this post. In yesterday’s post, I rambled about this and that as is my wont. Today, I want to list my goals for my fourth… Continue Reading

You say it’s my re-birthday!

My third re-birthday is coming up. It’s the third anniversary of my medical crisis–well, it will be the day after the day this is posted. September 3rd, 2021. That was the day I died–twice. And came back to life–twice. Sometimes, I think I should have chosen the day I woke up as my re-birthday, but… Continue Reading

Where I draw my line (accepting differences)

Yesterday, I was talking about a post on Ask A Manager that talked about how to deal with a man at a convention who was annoying/harrassing several attendants of the con. I meandered hither and yon and never addressed the first person who said it was ableist to ban someone because of their disability. It’s… Continue Reading

When neurodivergent and creepy intersect

Many times, creepy dudes try to excuse their behavior or other creepy dudes’ behavior by whataboutautism?! Meaning, they pull out the ‘maybe they’re on the spectrum’ card at the merest whiff of the c-word (creep). I was reading today’s Ask A Manager column, and there was a question about a middle-aged man at a con… Continue Reading