I hate the summer. I hate it for so many reasons. The main reason in the heat, but I also hate allergies, bugs, and humidity. Last night at ten or so, it was 89 degrees, ‘feels like’ 103. At the peak of the heat, it was 107 ‘feels like’ 118. Right now, it’s 95 ‘feels like’ 105. We get up to the hundreds once or twice a summer, but this is unreal. I get that the heat index wasn’t faithfully tracked even a decade ago, but this is still hotter than we normally get for a prolonged period of time.
The thing is, though, at a certain point, it just doesn’t matter. Such as when it’s really cold, -20 verrsus -40 doesn’t really matter. The body only feels up to a certain point and then…look. It’s like the bell curve. You have the norm and then most of the deviation is near the norm. Then, as you get farther out, the deviations are much less.
I am on the fringes of those deviations. When my brother asks my opinion on some marketing thing, he always prefaces it with, “I know this won’t work with you, but would it work on normal people?” I don’t take offense because I am most emphatically not normal and normal marketing does not work on me. I don’t care about being in or keeping up with the Joneses. I don’t have FOMO for the most part, and i am not loyal to any brand.
There are brands I like, of course, such as Logitech for tech accessories, but if the quality went down, I would change to something else. Media-wise, I will always buy a FromSoft game on release (maybe even pre-order!), but that’s because they are quality games that I love. Armored Core VI Fires of Rubicon is coming out on Friday and while big mechs are not my thing, I am buying it because it’s FromSoft.
I am very much a function over form kind of person. I want something to work. I’m sure there are things that get by me because everyone has their weak point, but in general, I am impervious to marketing. Here’s the reason why. I need things to be scent/perfume/allergen-free. So I’m going to get the detergeant/soap that is clean no matter what. I don’t care about the brand–I jsut need it to be clean.
Same with food. I can’t ea’t gluten or dairy, so those foods are completely off my radar. Then there’s onion and garlic. I can have a bit, but not much. This is tragic as an Asian person. At this point in my life, though, I don’t even notice it any longer. I automatically scan for anything I can’t eat and place it in the ‘not for me’ category. Then I don’ tthink about it any longer.