Hi. This is part two on my quick look at Have a Nice Death (Magic Design Studios). Will there be more? Maybe. Here is post one in which I talk about the basics and then wander off as I tend to do. I just played a few rounds, and–well, let me put it this way. Hades II (Supergiant Games) just came out in Early Access–a shadow drop (on PC), that has me immensely excited. The original game also had an Early Acecss period that lasted nearly two years. I did not jump into the game until it was released from Early Access.
I must admit, I was not instantly enamored with the game. I could see it was well done and nicely crafted. It had great graphics, and I love Greek mythology. But, something about the gameplay wasn’t quite clicking. Again, it wasn’t the game as it was very well made. It was me. Do you want to know why I kept playing? Because of the interactions with the NPCs in the House of Hades and throughout the games. And the relationships between Zagreus (the protagonist) and various NPCs.
There are roughly 300,000 lines of dialogue in the game. I was seeing new dialogue even as I hundo chievo’ed the game. I found things that none of the reviewers mentioned beacuse they did not get that far into the game before reviewing. You have to beat the game something like 10 times to get the true ending.
I nearly didn’t make it to the first time I beat it beacuse the last boss was so hard. I could have used God Mode (makes game easier with each death), but I was too stubborn for that. When I finally beat the last boss for the first time, it felt like beating a FromSoft boss, almost.
Here’s my point. That game grew on me, obviously. The unlocks were meaningful and even though there were only four weapons, each one played significantly different. Especially as the unlocks made each weapon markedly different. The game was very elegantly designed, and one of the few knocks I had about it was that the combat got too hectic at some points. Which is something that many of these games do, including Have a Nice Death. There are so many things flashing on the screen that it’s sometimes impossible to actually focus on the enemy you’re trying to attack.